“압통부위에 사혈요법을 시행하겠습니다”
“압통부위에 사혈요법을 시행하겠습니다”
  • 승인 2013.05.09 12:57
  • 댓글 0
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이상일의 한의원 영어- “English of, for and by 한의사” (3)

안녕하세요! 지난 시간엔 한 원장이 Carolina의 허리에 침을 놓는 과정에서 오고 갔던 대화에 대해서 살펴보았습니다. 그런데 이튿날 내원한 Carolina가 증상이 그다지 호전되지 않고 우측 지실부위에 강한 자발통 및 압통을 호소하게 됩니다. 한 원장은 습부항으로 경결부위를 풀고자 합니다. 대화를 같이 살펴볼까요?

한 원장: How are you today? Have your lower back pain got any better?
Carolina: Unfortunately not. I can barely sleep on my back now but it’s still hurting.
한 원장: All right then. Today, let’s try something different.
Carolina: What is it? Is it something painful?
한 원장: It can be uncomfortable, but it’s not very painful. It’s called wet cupping therapy.
Carolina: Wet cupping? I’ve never heard of it.
한 원장: It may sound strange because you’re from Canada. Let me explain it to you. The skin is punctured before treatment. When the cup is applied and the skin is drawn up, a small amount of blood may flow from the puncture site, which helps remove harmful substances and toxins from the body. Let me check your lower back for any tenderness. (지실부위를 누르며)Is it tender when I press here?
Carolina: Yes! It hurts bad. Actually I’ve had a pain right there all the time since I snapped my lower back.
한 원장: I got it. Now, I’ll be using a lancet which is a pricking needle to drain bad blood out from this spot. It won’t be that painful. (After puncturing) Did it hurt?
Carolina: It was a little bit pricking but didn’t hurt that much.
한 원장: Ok. Cups will be placed there for a few minutes.
Carolina: I have a question doctor. Do you reuse these cups?
한 원장: No, cups are disposable so they are to be discarded after use.
Carolina: Ok doctor. Thank you very much.

Published by Lee, Sang-il
Edited by Troy & Jeni Flowers

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