정신기혈(精神氣血) etc.

이상일의 한의원 영어- “English of, for and by 한의사” (38)

2014-04-17     이상일
Hi, everyone! How are you doing today? Flower jealousy cold for several days, it’s now the real spring season. Today I’m going to talk about 精神氣血六氣. Let’s begin!!

1. 精(essence)
a. definition
- the fundamental substance that builds up the physical structure and maintains body function
- reproductive essence stored in the kidney
b. functions
-Essence governs reproduction and growth
-Essence enlivens the brain.
-Essence is associated with the preventive capacity against diseases

2. 神(spirit)
-神 is a manifestation of the higher nature of human beings and presides over the emotions as an all-encompassing awareness of truth

3. 氣(qi)
a. Classification of qi
-中氣: middle qi
-衛氣: defense qi
-榮氣: nutrient qi
-經氣: meridian qi
-宗氣: pectoral qi
-元氣: ancestral qi
-眞氣: genuine qi
-先天之氣: innate qi
-後天之氣: acquired qi

b. pathology of qi
-氣虛: qi deficiency
-氣陷: qi sinking
-氣滯: qi stagnation
-氣脫: qi collapse
-氣逆: qi counterflow or qi rebelling

c. Functions of qi
-推動: promoting function
-固攝: containing(or checking) function
-防禦: defending(or protecting) function
-溫煦: warming function
-氣化: transforming function

4. 血(blood)
a. physiology
-心主血(脈): Heart dominates blood (the blood vessel)
-肝藏血: Liver stores blood
-脾統血: Spleen controls blood
-血藏神: Blood enshrines* spirit
*enshrine: To cherish as sacred
b. pathology
-血虛: blood deficiency
-血溢(出血): bleeding
-血瘀: blood stasis(or stagnation)

5. 六氣(six external factors)
風(wind): Pathogenic wind leads to all kinds of diseases. It damages the upper human body. The location of a disease is not stagnant and even migratory. Pathogenic wind is rapidly changeable.

寒(cold): Cold is a pathogenic yin which usually injures the body’s yang qi. It tends to congeal* and stagnate. It also tends to contract and shrink.
*congeal: 굳다 얼다

暑(summer heat): Summer heat belongs to the yang evils and is hot like fire. Pathogenic summer heat often mingles with pathogenic dampness. It wears qi out and damages fluid and humor*
*fluid and humor: 진액

濕(dampness): Pathogenic dampness is heavy and turbid. It is related to stickiness and stagnation. Dampness belongs to pathogenic yin and tends to block the flow of qi and injure yang qi.

燥(dryness): Dryness tends to damage the lungs. It easily impairs fluid and humor.

火(fire): Fire tends to flame upwards in the body as one of pathogenic yangs. It burns and consumes fluid and humor. It may also stir up the blood.

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lsi99@hanmail.net 로 컨택해주세요.

Published by Lee, Sang-il
Edited by Anna Joy Toombs & Troy Flowers