I want to have a coke-bottle body shape!- obesity

이상일의 한의원 영어- “English of, for and by 한의사” (35)

2014-01-23     이상일
Hi everyone! Having another good start for a new week? Also check if you’re doing well keeping your new year’s resolution. If you’re failing to keep to it, get ready for another leap! Today, I’m going to talk about obesity. So many people are suffering from obesity. Some are just overweight, others suffer from metabolic diseases. Let’s look at the dialogue.

Dr. Lee: Good morning, Katherine! Nice to meet you.

: Nice to meet you, too.

Dr. Lee:
What seems to be the problem?

As you see, I’m overweight. I heard that herbal medicine helps you lose weight.

Dr. Lee:
Well, our nurse will see you through a body fat analyzer. We’ll see how you are.
Katherine: All right.

Dr. Lee:
(After receiving the result sheet) You’re 165cm tall and weigh 57kg. This isn’t bad weight-wise because your BMI is 24.7 but your abdominal fat is a little above the average.

I want to have a coke-bottle body shape. My goal is to lose weight to 47kg.

Dr. Lee
: Well… Let’s get down to earth now. I think it’ll be appropriate for you to weigh around 51~52. Being too low in body fat may bring about problems in menstruation.

Katherine: Ok. What should I do?

Dr. Lee:
You’ll be taking specially made herbal medicine. It helps burn your body fat and remove bodily waste. Do you have trouble refraining from tasty food?

: Yes. I always end up eating food whenever it’s in front of me. It’s almost impossible for me not to eat delicious food that’s within my reach.

Dr. Lee:
Listen to me carefully. Food intake and appetite can be explained by a set of two hormones, leptin and ghrelin. They play a key role in regulating food intake and appetite. Leptin is a mediator of long-term energy balance, suppressing food intake and thereby inducing weight loss. Ghrelin on the other hand is a fast-acting hormone, seemingly playing a role in meal initiation. It is widely referred that abnormalities in the leptin and ghrelin systems may contribute to the development of obesity. That’s why obesity is not simply the matter of eating a lot and accumulating fat but depends on metabolism. In Korean medicine, obesity is generally understood as a problem of coldness and dampness(寒濕) that is cause by malfunction of the G.I tract(脾胃). You can wear clothes when you’re cold. Just like this, your body produces and builds up more fat in order to not lose body heat, when cells don’t produce enough heat due to bad circulation or lack of heat energy. You should not only, of course, eat too much but also keep away from raw food, food that is cold in nature and literally cold food such as raw fruit, raw vegetables, flour-base foods, cold beverages, and ice cream. You also need to eat less carbohydrates which in the future turns into fat. Needless to say, aerobic exercise is a must. Do it at least 50 minutes everyday.

Now I know why I’m getting fat. I’m too lazy to follow all of that.

Dr. Lee:
Remember! Laziness grows on people. It begins in cobwebs and ends in iron chains. Wanna lose weight? Do it now.

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Published by Lee, Sang-il
Edited by Anna Joy Toombs & Troy Flowers