“배뇨시 통증이 있고 가끔 피도 섞여 나와요”- 방광염

이상일의 한의원 영어- “English of, for and by 한의사” (29)

2013-12-05     이상일
안녕하세요! 어느덧 올해의 마지막 달인 12월이 되었습니다. 원장님들 올 한해 계획하셨던 일들 많이 성취하셨는지요? 그러셨길 바랍니다^^ 이번시간에는 여성들에게 호발하는 방광염에 대해서 다루어보도록 하겠습니다.

Dr.Lee: Hello! Nice day, isn’t it? What’s bothering you, Pamela?

Pamela: I’m having trouble urinating.

Dr.Lee: Will you explain more specifically?

Pamela: I have pain in my lower abdomen when I urinate. Also, I feel the urge to urinate frequently. Since last weekend, my urine has become cloudy and sometimes bloody.

Dr.Lee: Hmm... Did you receive any other examinations in the hospital? These symptoms are likely to be diagnosed as cystitis* but it could also be something else.
*cystitis: 방광염

Pamela: As a matter of fact, I’ve already been to the hospital and examined. The doctor told me that it’s not bladder cancer but cystitis. He gave me pills but they didn’t work at all. Pills used to work but not anymore.

Dr.Lee: How long have you suffered from these symptoms?

Pamela: It started about 5~6 years ago. When it first started, I took pills and then it was gone. But it recurred whenever I was very tired or under a lot of stress. As it recurred over and over, it became more persistent and severe. Now, as you see, antibiotics don’t work any longer.

Dr.Lee: I see. It must’ve been a hard time for you. Chronic cystitis is curable by Korean Medicine. Since it’s been over a few years, it would not be very easy to treat but I believe it’s just a matter of time.

Pamela: That’s a load off my mind*. Thanks doctor. Anyway, can you tell me how you’ll treat my symptoms?
* That’s a load off my mind:
그것 참 다행입니다. 안심이 됩니다.

Dr.Lee: The symptoms you talked about belong to the category of 濕熱, which means ‘humid and hot’. In other words, though it may sound strange, your urinary tract is under hot and humid conditions by certain pathogens or lack of immunity. Chronic cystitis is usually due to decreased immunity. I’ll give you liquid herbal medicine for 2 weeks and meanwhile you need to receive acupuncture treatment every other day.

Pamela: Ok doctor. Thank you very much. Please free me from pain.

Dr.Lee: No problem. All you have to do is to follow my directions and receive treatment.

Pamela: All right. Thanks!

궁금하신 점이나 건의사항 있으시면 lsi99@hanmail.net 로 컨택해주세요.

Published by Lee, Sang-il
Edited by Anna Joy Toombs & Troy Flowers