“화장실을 들락날락…너무 힘들어요!”- 급성장염

이상일의 한의원 영어- “English of, for and by 한의사” (23)

2013-10-10     이상일
안녕하세요^^ 이번시간엔 설사증상에 대하여 다뤄보고자 합니다. 가을엔 바이러스성 장염이 유행할 가능성이 높지요. Helen양이 뭘 잘못먹었는지 급작스런 설사와 복통으로 한의원에 내원하였습니다. 대화 같이 살펴보겠습니다.

Dr.Lee: What’s the matter?! You look so pale.

I’ve had the runs for 3 days now. It seems to drain my energy. I feel so weak and lost my appetite.

Any other symptoms? Didn’t you have fever or vomiting?

Yes. As a matter of fact, I ate some naengmyeon with my friends 4 days ago. Then I started to feel cold about 3~4 hours later. My body temperature soared up to 39 degree. I also felt nauseous and kept vomiting that night. The next morning, my fever was gone but I couldn’t stop going to toilet. It was like a water leak down there. I had to take a day off from work.

Has it happened before?


It seems that you are suffering from acute gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis arises from ingestion of viruses, certain bacteria, or parasites. Food that has spoiled may also cause illness. Regardless of the cause, the symptoms of gastroenteritis include diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and cramps. Sufferers may also experience bloating, low fever, and overall tiredness. Typically, the symptoms last only two to three days, but some viruses may last up to a week. A usual bout of gastroenteritis shouldn’t require a visit to the doctor. However, medical treatment is essential if symptoms worsen or if there are complications. Infants, young children, the elderly, and persons with underlying disease require special attention in this regard.
The greatest danger presented by gastroenteritis is dehydration. The risk of dehydration increases as symptoms are prolonged.
If symptoms do not resolve within a week, an infection or disorder more serious than gastroenteritis may be involved. Symptoms of great concern include a high fever, blood or mucus in the diarrhea, blood in the vomit, and severe abdominal pain or swelling. These symptoms require prompt medical attention.
Helen: That’s too much information doctor. So what should I do? Keep drinking water and rest?

Yes. You need to drink generous amounts of nonalcoholic fluids, such as water or fresh juice, but not juices high in simple sugar. Caffeine, since it increases urine output, should be avoided. Also I’ll give you some herbal medicine. This medicine normalizes the G.I tract activity and fluid balance. Probiotics, taken with herbal medicine, can help recovery.

Helen: Thank you doctor.

궁금하신 점이나 건의사항 있으시면 lsi99@hanmail.net 로 컨택해주세요.
Published by Lee, Sang-il
Edited by Anna Joy Toombs & Troy Flowers