“갑자기 숨쉬기가 어려워지고 기침도 해요”

이상일의 한의원 영어- “English of, for and by 한의사” (22)

2013-10-04     이상일

안녕하세요! 한주 잘 보내셨나요? 이번 시간에는 천식에 대한 내용을 다뤄보도록 하겠습니다. 비염환자보단 빈도수가 적지만 천식을 앓고 계신 분도 주변에 참 많습니다. 이 원장과 천식으로 힘들어하는 Kyle의 대화를 살펴보도록 하죠.

Dr.Lee: Hello! Nice to meet you, Kyle.

Nice to meet you too.

What seems to be the problem?

I got diagnosed with asthma in 2009. I’ve been taking pills and using inhalers* since then.
*inhaler: 분무식 흡입기

Dr.Lee: All right. When does it get worse?

Usually when I’m in a subway or somewhere underground. I have no symptoms in open spaces.

Have your symptoms gotten better since you got diagnosed?

Unfortunately not. It’s gotten worse as a matter of fact.

: Would you tell me the symptoms that you have?

Ok. Whenever I take a subway, it’s hard to breathe and sometimes it’s so suffocating* that I keep coughing.
*suffocate: 숨막히게 하다. 질식시키다.

Dr.Lee: Do you hear wheezing sound when you take a breath?

Yes, when it gets bad.

All right. (진찰 후) I’ll prescribe some herbal medicine called 麻杏甘石湯.

Ok. How does the medicine work?

The medicine drains excess water out of your body and keeps airways from narrowing. Thus relieving your symptoms. It is mainly used for preventing cough, asthma, viruses, allergies, regulating immunity, correcting imbalance of Th1/Th2, and decreasing the production and release of inflammatory mediators.

Thank you doctor.

궁금하신 점이나 건의사항 있으시면 lsi99@hanmail.net 로 컨택해주세요.

Published by Lee, Sang-il
Edited by Anna Joy Toombs & Troy Flowers